09/09/09 AIDIL FITRI......
I made a different course than usual at this year Aidil Fitri celebration. In fact, I was not really in the celebrating mood. At the eve of Aidil Fitri, after breaking the fast with my kids, I drove around Kuching, going through all those villages along both of the Sarawak river bank and as well as walking on those plank walk at Gita Kubur. It took me into the late nite, only by 2.00 am I'm back home.
(2) In fact, at about 10.00 pm that night, it was drizzling and breezing in Kuching. Driving in Kching especially after the heavy rain downfall or even during the drizzling time make me always feel great, refreshing, and relax. The air was cool. All public and some private buildings were light up colorfully. Trees and streets were also light up with colored and glittering light. Same goes to most of the Malays houses in those Villages that I wandered. I felt as if I was at Vegas Old Street. As While my hands are on the wheels, my mind was wondering in fact, if all these beauties could be organized in such, surely it could be turned into one of the State main toursim product, not only it would be money making, but most important slowly we could turn Sarawak (probably) into the State of Celebration (Vegas of Malaysia).
(3) After the long driving and wandering alone, though for most Muslim probably they are spending most of their times on the sajadah praying, probably for the possible catchup of the Lailatul Qadar blessing, my mind and soul were not at peace with each other, and surely the victim were my eyes: keeping awake. Nonetheless, I picked up some books and began to browsed through some good historical facts, which I want to share with all, either as pure knowledge or some lessons to move on. For the early three solid days of Aidil Fitri, I skipped all the VIP visits, I just stayed back home and reading (researching)! I made some discoveries:
(a) Women, jealousy seem to be their natural 'gene'. This 'gene', is due to the nature of her creation, ie from the left rib of Adam. The rib bone, has never been straight, and the curventure nature of the bone, is domain of the jealousy nature of a woman. That's the reason, when there is a conflict between Sarah and Hajar (the old and maid-wife of Abraham), god just adv iced Abraham to bend to the demand of Sarah to send away Hajar and Ismael out of their home, despite Abraham fondness and great loving of Ismael. Woman are just like the rib bone: If you straighten them, they would break, but if you want to use them, then just bend to their want (pl don't take this too simplistic!).
(b) The jealousy nature of the woman seem also being clearly demonstrated by Aishah, the young wife of prophet Muhammad. If one follow the detail life history of Aishah, her jealousy characters could be seen in her daily life affair with the rest of the prophet wives.
(4) I purposely picked up these two great women (apart from Khadijah and Fatimah) as my reference to get to know the characters of some great women whom were having very close relationship with some great men: Muhammad and Abraham. From here, I could now understand, for a man to be a man especially among the women, we need to manage their jealousy trait. Jealousy is the woman natural, created, embedded trait! Doesn't matter who they are, they will always be a jealousy trait inside them.
(5) I felt happy though might be a bit late, to understand the weak nature of the women, jealous. And this led me to the reading about the early creation of a man (not from the Darwinian perspective!).
(6) A man was created from the earth, then Allah breath him the soul. There is two key elements/characters of a man, the first is the heart: in his heart, there are the appetite (desire/greed) and anger. In some verse of the Quran, the heart is sometimes referred as a 'clump of meat", if this 'meat' is good, than the psron would turn good, and reverse for the other wise! Both the appetite (nafsu) and anger (ammarah), if unmanageable, would burn the man down to hell (probably). The second key element of a man is the brain: the brain generates the akli (akal) or wisdom (the closest English term) and knowledge. With wisdom and knowledge, a man would be able to control his appetite and anger. Wisdom and knowledge come with experiences, the age (The Japanese, really uphold to this culture, ie one position is very much determine by one maturity in one wisdom/judgement. I believe the Iranian, and those Central Asian past Muslim communities do believe in this as well!)
(7) In fact, scientifically, both appetite and anger are generated by the adrenaline hormone. With the high release of this hormone, make one metabolism system activated, and thus releasing greater amount of energy. That's the reason if one is excited or in the anger mood, in fact one is in the very energetic stage. Thus if these energies could be well managed (directed), then surely, the results would be on the advantage of the human being.
(8) Thus, woman (and or man) jealousy is due to the mismanagement of her appetite (desire), while the man (and or woman) anger is the result of the mismanagement of the wisdom (judgement). In managing both, that is why knowledge takes the upper hand in any of our course!. I hope, though woman had been created as such, it should not being used as an excuse for not making themselves a better human being! Thank God, roaming around, probably like scavenging dog, at that Lailatul Qadar period, I got this solid small knowledge to be shared among all.
Samudra Court, Kuching
25 Sept., 2009
Salam. Sometimes jealousy if we manage it positively will bring about positive impact in oneself. We will strive for the better in order to be at par with others. Jealousy... it can be a turnaround to a lot of things like mobile phone, car and many products if we can manage and handle the feeling properly... Maybe it can be seen from the aspect of competitiveness which at the end can also mean creativeness.. the desire to be more and more than others....Just a simple opinion though...