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Saturday, September 12, 2009

05/09/09 Lailatul Kadar....form and spirit?

Since last August, MyBlog and MyFlickr had not been active. In fact MyWholeLife had not been active. The last July-August and probably the coming September El Nina phenomena and Pandemic H1N1 Flu had forced me to retreat back greatly. This set back had also forced me to think a lot, since I’m probably entering the balance 25 percent of MyLifeSpan, though by hereditary record I am just about entering 40-75 percent of MyLife Span. Nonetheless, just like (hopefully) an oak or belian tree, upon 50 years standing, I’m ready to be harvested, if not for building a great structure, at least to make way for human passing.

(2) Late yesterday night (11 Sept., 2009), I received an SMS from a friend whom is praying hard at Masjid Nabawi, in Madina. This friend is doing the umrah, fulfilling the love that had touched this friend’s heart, to be there, to be close to Him. In fact this friend had persuaded and pray for me to be there, one day, of which I told this friend, not only Mecca, Medina would be my destination but would include Baghdad, Basrah, Karbala, Damshek, Al Hamra, and Bukhara. I’ll be there in Mecca and Madina, not only to raised my hands and open my heart to Him, but, my prime purpose would be to presented to Him MyThought, My Plan, MyStruggle for His mankind, for His approval! I just though and believe, let me be here, in this world, not for me, not for those who are close to me, but for Him and His people. I hope, and I’m determined! I believe, I want to live in heaven (if I have the chance), to be among His people, not only among the 40 beautiful great ladies as promised!

(3) I did also returned this friend’s SMS, by asking this friend, if possible to have a feel (and thought) of the galloping sound of the camels and horses racing through the darkness, once upon a time, whom have carried the Prophet and His believers escaping from those distress and suppression by the Mecca Quraish at the early growth of Islam. And, thousand of years before that, the same City, Madina (Taif as it was originally known) was also the key trading post in that deadly Arab desert. I hope this friend of mine, if He wish, be given the wisdom that, the Hijrah of Muhammad on 28 June, 622 or on year 4382 of the Jewish Ancestry is not only with regard for the early Muslim Community desperate need to secure their lives safety and thereon to submit (only spiritually) ones to Him. In fact, I believe Allah had greater agenda than that! Probably we have not think enough, as He usually challenged us in His ayats!

(4) I believe, and have been thinking that Allah purposely had made Medina (a City of midway from Jurussalam (north) and Mecca (south)) as the most receiving place and community (Aws and Al Khazraj) for Muhammad, a town 250 kilometers away from Mecca, a former prosperous trading post, a bitter living City for the Aws and Khazraj, who love to shed each other blood, on those thirsty and deadly deserts. Here, Muhammad, had to practice not only as a person who is spiritually selected, but beyond that he exercised his skill as a great Mayor (Governance person) by writing the Aqaba Pledge, building market places, building a trading city, and surely building a focal (centripetal place), the Mosque, the Nabawi I believe! The building of the Aqaba, the Nabawi, the Market Place, give birth to the true Islamic Nation, the first Islamic State. Muhammad had shown the way a true Islamic State, how a Muslim community being set up. He didn’t only shown His believers, only the way to raised their hands and open their heart for forgiveness of what ever wrong deed that they had committed, but I believe, he shown us how to build a holistic Islamic Community and Nation!

(5) I begin to think and feel bad that, our believe in Allah, our believe in Muhammad, our believe in the Al Quran, the Hadith, the Angel, our believe is just a partial believe, not the holistic Adeen believe of this Great Faith! Islam is not only about spiritual submission, Islam is about the greater way of life, the greater way of establishing the purpose of our existence. I have a strong believe, we are created to honour Him by mean to serve Him not merely to submit to Him. If He wants us just to submit to Him, He don’t need us, He has the angels who can do much better than us! We are to serve Him through executing diligently and honestly our duty for Mankind and as His Khalifah of the World!

(6) I hope, the 10 last day of our Ramadhan, our heart, our mind, our soul are truly fill up with the realization of our purpose to mankind. I hope and I believe, the lailatul kadar would come in this form, in the form of realizing our prolong misunderstanding (mistake) of our Islamic practices, and upon such, not only we must raised our hands to seek His forgiveness of our mistakes, but hopefully, would open our heart and mind to think, plan and be determined to do the best for our people, the Muslim, the Malays. I hope, I pray for all.

(7) MyFriend who is now at Nabawi then back to Baitullah, I hope you’d have the chance to flip to MyBlog and understand me from this perspective. I want to be there, not merely to seek what is there personally mine, but I will be there, with a Plan and will be seeking for His approval of such Plan for all of us! I’m making the Plan now. I’ll be there to submit it to Him and see what I would learn form Mecca, Medina (Taif), Baghdad, Basrah, Damsyek, Karbala, Lam Hamra and Bukhara.

(8) I believe, My2009Lailatul Kadar comes that way. A sense of self purpose to serve Him the non conventional ways that used to be said and practiced. It comes as a determination and a spirit that every Malays must work on, for the survival of the Malays: what is a religion without a strong ummah?

Samudra Court, Kuching
12 September, 2009


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