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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

9/10/13 THEY SHUT DOWN.....who will be broken?

Obama, a Democrate is at stand still with the Republican Senate. Obama, want to reform the American Medicare system to make it much affordable especially among the 30 per cents of its citizen. Democrate, a party lead by Obama, being wanting to be democratic, making the wealth of the Country equitably shared by all, of which among others is to make the Medicare now being termed as Obamacare be much affordable to all, is facing great resistance from the Republican, whom in their tradition, always forced their hard shrewd style for other to accept whether they want it or not. American involvement in many wars worldwide is always related to Republican administration. I would believe, the Republican is Jews sponsored agenda and or tool.

(2) While Obama want to implement his Obamacare is of very simple judgement. Who are indeed the least affordable 30 per cents citizen of the American? Would not they are the Black, Chicano (Latin American) and Yellow Asian? These are the people that had brushed Republican aside and put Obama to the originally Black White House. Why does the Republican (Senate controlling party) deny Obamacare? Indeed it is very simple, just to play Obama and to tell the minority, that they are not capable to run the State. Surely the political psychology is that they are warning the majority White, they must never let the minority to rule America. America was and is not built by the Black, Chicano and Yellow Asian, it was the White American that had fought the wars with the Red Indians and them liberated itself from the Great Britain and Civil War. The Black, the Chicano and Yellow Asians are mere migrants. A nice historical distortion of America, I believe!

(3) The Jews indeed are the selected Sons of God. They are selected not because of their  good deed, but was greatly marginalized by all the great nations of the past. Allah made them the chosen one above many for His sympathy over their distress and miseries. Allah helped them in many instances, the greatest was in the crushing of the Pharoah, with one condition, for them to be truthful. Yet, when their miseries were alleviated, they behold not to Allah request, to be truthful. In the Al Quran, they are condemned as traitor. That was their past. In today world, they continue to be the selected Sons of God, for us especially the Muslims to be caution of their great Worst Deed. The American House of Common or Congress and Senate is indeed the Jews House of Circus. In any instance, the Jews will always having their upper hand to make the American President to submit to their needs which mostly are about their greed. The Senate denial of 2014 Budget Bill was nothing but the Jews strategy to tell Obama, he must be 100% (not even 100.0%) an absolute [100]% must be with the interest of Israel. Obama must quickly blasted Syria and Iran as Bush had done to Iraq. Assad must be dealt just as Sadam and Ghadafi to humiliate the whole of Arabs to make the Persians to shiver to their shit. The Jews they just want to make the whole Arabs to be theirs, then only they will take on the German whom had made them as pariah in the WWII.

(4) To Allah will, and as I have said many times, if Mohd Najib Abdul Razak is smart, Malaysia could now easily stand to be great. Allah indeed is giving Malaysia the best ever chance to such status if Najib is determine to even if he can't trail Muhammad SAW in his administration, yet there was a lesser degree of Islamic compliance that he could quickly study and emulate ie the characters and administration system of Umar Abdul Aziz, one of the Great Caliphs of Ummayah. Najib can't just tell Malaysian how broken is America, he can't say that and he must never say that. Those words are mere words of politic and if continue to be doctrinated to our people, I"m worried we are turning Malaysian into be self pleasing while in reality we are also in the blink of Shut Down ourselves. Economically, we are rated as equally unfavorable to the International Standard in many ways. To me, those are words of Mahathir Mohammed, and those are not necessarily true or will be happening. Let just leave Mahathir to say it, for he is a free ordinary citizen. He is an artist, whom can deal well with the West. That is his role. Not for Najib. Najib can't use the present American case as a mean to massage his and or the Malaysians ego, if he do so, he indeed is paving what the Malays' saying as: Gajah depan mata tidak nampak, kuman di seberang lautan jelas terpandang, and that would be contrary to the Chinese saying: Let watch the fire burning from across the river. I could see indeed Najib need to do is to manage the Country, the Ummah, not UMNO or BN and worst his family.

(5) He has to make the Malays to contribute significantly for the development of the Islamic Civilization of this region if not the World. He must not at all puting the Malays and or Malaysian in the state of illusion of the others problem. I believe, America will never broke, they are mere taking a break. They have all the will , talents, and capacities to swing to stand tall. But let us be just smart, not to come to the American's trap. Failing which, we are the one whom will broke. Najib, we as Muslims must hold fast to the rope of Allah and we must work hard to find its true meaning and means. Let make Islam as gift of hikmah for the good of the universe. Najib we can make it, if you transform yourself and all of us to it. InsyaAllah.

Kuching, Sarawak
17 Oct., 2013


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