6/9/13 STATE AND PEOPLE WEALTH DEVT MODELS....What would be our choice? (draft)
Look at the World Economy by Countries for the past 25 years ie from 1989-2013. Within this period which are the most Growing, Stable, Shaky, Turbulent, Collapsed or Destroyed economy? In the era of clear cut Capitalism and Communism-Socialism of 1980s, the World economy was dominated by the USA, Soviet, Japan, German and France. Nonetheless with the adjustment (collapsed indeed) of the Communist-Socialist blocks, the World economic top five players shifted to USA, Japan, China, German and France. Through Controlled Capitalism or Communism-Capitalism as I could see, China made a great leap frog economic enhancement in the mid 1980s. As compared to China, the Soviet experienced a dramatic disintergration at the colapsed of their socialism, thus greatly affected the basket of their GDP and GNP count. Nonetheless, due to numerous economic turbulence in 1990s, by year 2000 the top five players again shifted its component to USA, Japan, China, German and India. Huge domestic market of China and India, enable the two nations to cushion the effect of the poor international trade performance in those years. By 2010, the Asian giants keep going up the ladder to shift the ranking to USA, China, Japan, India, and German. It is anticipated by 2015 the top five World Economic Players will be the USA, China, India, Japan and German. The sustenance of Japan as a giant player, I would say through taping of especially the Chinese, ASEAN, South Asia markets. While German, have been playing the center role in keeping the Europe moving. America remain the Global dominant through its traditional trade advantages.
(2) If we dissect the economic structure of these five giant economies, we could see that America could sustained to be at the top ever since 1950s due to its initially strong GDP component. America domestic market drove her economic excellent to 1960s. There on, through thick blood relationship with Europe as well as the great exodus of the robust Capitalist Jews from the chaotic Europe in 1940s gave America the forceful Human Capital Drive as compared to its past conservative "feudalistic" colonial master the Great Britain in restructuring the American economic frontier to the International market. The Capitalist Jews and Democratic European-American introduced the setting of MNCs which began to spur into the Dark Worlds of Asia, Africa and South America in 1960s, which to this days gave America the ever competitive ground to dominate the World Economies. The growth of the American MNCs, then changed their Economic-base from GDP to GNP footing. The International Trade become the American dominant economic contributor. Today, we could see there is no country without the presence of (to name a few) Coca Cola, McDonald, KFC, etc. GATT (1948), WTO (2001(?)), even the on going TPPA are Amercian tools to remain dominant in the International Trade.
(3) The global expansion of the American economy indeed was at the expense of the European individual State. Thus, in order to remain competitive, they organized themselves into European Union (EU) in 1993. From 1980-2010, indeed the sustenance of most of the European States economy was driven mostly by their GNP components especially trading with their former colonies in Africa, South America and the Middle East. Indeed with the establishment of EU, they played the backing role as well to peggy-back to America to dominate the World Economy. German in particular, sustained its economic dominance through advance technological achievement in High-tech industries as well in the pharmaceutical fields. Netherland (Holland or Dutch) continue to remain at the World Economic Forefront through their great expertise in the petroleum and gas industries. Definitely Netherland is also well known for its advance in the agro-industries.
(3) When looking at the first World Top Five, or even the first Top 10 or Top 20, in the first glance it is very difficult to position Malaysia in those category. It seem Malaysia will never have any chance to be there. We are too small, minute indeed. But how much bigger are states such as Poland, Israel, and Korea compared to Malaysia. I doubt they have more natural resources as we do. Israel definitely is an exemption, as their strength lies not in Israel, but in the American and certain states of the European economies. These were among the relatively small nations that could join at least the Top 20 World Economic Order. Saudi Arabia, Turkey (?), Iran, and Indonesia are the only Muslim countries that managed to enter the club despite Allah great blessing upon them. Then where and what would be the options for Malaysia?
(4) Let now forget about those giant economies. Let look at State such as New Zealand, Switzerland, Sweden, and even Singapore. New Zealand economic growth is nothing impressive, yet their GDP and Population Income are great. New Zealand indeed is a mere agro-industry, a sheep-State. What make them great? I believe, after the great agricultural expansion in the 1980s, New Zealand thereon opted for slow growth especially in the area of population. As they have achieved a Developed State status they then opted for slow growth economy. But most important, their wealth distribution must have been justly done, that warrant for great happiness to majority of her citizens. Being isolated in the far cold south, they, as I believe could effort to hibernate. I could see they adopted the Polar Bear Economy if not Utah-Cool-life-style.
(5)Likewise for Switzerland, a State high up in the Alp, whereby 65 per cents of the land is year round snow covered. This is a country of the Federation of 26 cantons (regions) formed in 1848, interlocked by German, France, Italy and Austria. Since 1815, Switzerland enjoyed peaceful lives, even during the WWI and WWII she was able to play hers neutral function. Switzerland is the World Highest Per Capita earning at U$D95,000 in 2011. She is numbered as 19th World largest economy by GNP, World 20th Exporter and World 18th Importer. Her MNCs draw the largest Income earning to the State, whichy by return enjoy the Lowest Income Tax by the European Standard. High-tech industries especially in the precision technologies, chemical and pharmaceutical are their great strengths. Zurich, the State Capital, home numerous MNCs HQs and International Organization Offices. The second largest United Nation Office is housed in Zurich. Interesting indeed, to see that even without great natural resources, except may be the never stop snowing, being a multi-racials and isolated State, Switzerland could emerge as the World Wealthiest Nation. Why? Definitely, the peaceful and her opportunistic character as heaven to International Fund Depositing probably one's outburst answer. Apart from such, I would believe, the German Factor had contributed to the best advantage of the Switzerland. The highly dedicated-discipline German attitude gave Switzerland the big different to the rest of the world. One must also remember, the German were indeed highly Holy Roman Catholic believers, until there was a Church Reform in 1950s, thus I would believe that probably the reason why they were so rebel to the presence of the Jews within their economy prior to the WWII. While German had the high spiritual values, they lacked the peaceful advantage of Switzerland, worst they were then divided into Red and White.
(6) Sweden is another interesting State. She enjoys ever peaceful condition since WWI without aligning to any of the prevailing superpower be it Fascist German, NATO and or WARSAW. In the old history, the Swedish were the super power of though Vikings whom used to roam the Atlantic to the Baghdad. Today, Sweden is classified as the World Best Governed State, a High Income Earning Population, with just Income Equality Distribution. Thus the people enjoyed among the Highest Life Quality Index. Engineering sector was and is Sweden best strength. Sweden is well known in the Hydropower, Automotive and as well as the precision industries. The MNCs take the center role of Sweden Main Income earner. Among the largest companies registered in Sweden are Volvo, Ericsson, Vattenfall, Skanska, Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, Electrolux,etc.
(7) Of course, Malaysian should never ignored Singapore. An Island which was at par with the rest of the Malaya in the 1950s, today emerge as the Most Developed ASEAN State. Singapore has nothing, even the drinking water is supplied by Malaysia. Indeed it was the biggest mistake of Parameswara to abandon Temasik over Malacca. Instead of taming the Lion he chosen the Mouse Deer to help him built his Sultanate. Worst for thr Sultan of Johore being lure by Stamford Raffles(?). After being dispelled from the Federation Malaysia, the much civilized and industrialized Chinese as compared to the native Malays, took the Silk Road Trading opportunities as their livelihood as compared to artisanal fishing and farming of the natives'. But most important, Lee Kuan Yew adopted the German Fist to tame his people to submit to His Way of Governance. He was anti-communism, but he took Communism-Capitalist attitude to drive his people to be better. That was the way Lee Kuan Yew took (and still mentoring) Singapore to maneauver with China and America, and definitely Communism-Capitalist is not the norm of the native Muslim Malays, therefore they are being marginalised by default.
(8) The State and People Wealth Development Model for Malysia is no an ABC or 123 choice. Definitely numerous balancing had to be made. First the disintegrated and socio-economically lagging Natives. Secondly, the inherited traditional conservative interpretation of Islam among its Muslims majority population. Third surely the assimilated Chinese and Indians were the descendant of the much civilized part of the world population which created their misplacing within the majority lagging Natives. Psychologically, Malaysians are facing Identity and or Cultural Crisis among the the superior and inferior citizens. The Cultural divide created numerous pluralities in Malaysia: Education, Economic, Politic, and "Religion" to name the most significant. Thus unity is the biggest issue in pushing for a Great Malaysia. The 1969 riot, the Communist Insurgent in 1960s in Malaya, then 1970s in Sarawak, again the non-stop political chaotic are manifestation of the Malaysian Disintegrated Societies. But one thing very important to note is the Malaysia geographical position within the Organic World Order. Arabs, Persian, India and China were among the oldest Human Civilization Nations. Malaya (Malacca) once had benefited the best through the entreport role for these great nations in the 13-15th century. Though being colonised by the West since the 16-20th centuries, Malaya still managed its significant role within the larger Global context ie East and West. To me those are proves, that the "Naive" Natives especially the Malays are well blessed to be very fast accommodative.
(9) Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Shintoism, and even Confuciusm, I would see that they derived their teaching by the wisdom of the Nature. Thus as the Natives culture, including the Malays were originally Nature Influenced, therefore philosophically I could see that they could quickly learn from the descendants of these Civilizations. Similarly, Judaism and Christianity were the early evolution of Islam, thus, the Muslim Malays have no issue to live side-by-side with the Christians, except with the Jews on historical ground. Yet for the Muslim Malays, their task is basically to get out of their traditional way of interpreting and practicing Islam. They need to practice Islam as Islam the Adeen, not by any other standard worst Islam as a religion to the definition of the West. Indeed if we look back at all those countries that managed to pull and pool themselves to be great, their very first pre-conditions to be fulfill was the People Unity. But again, that was easier for those Countries as they are mostly dealing with almost at Equal level of population social structure except for the minority natives which most just brushed aside. Malaysia is totally different in the sense the later much civilized migrants ie Chinese and Indians were not as superior as the Westerners. Thank God they were not, or else, the Lee Kuan Yew-Singapore Syndrome will be the ASEAN's phenomena. They themselves were earlier even being subjected to the West oppression. Malaysian population cultural gaps is also a dilemma facing almost all the ASEAN nations, particularly in Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Cambodia. The same indeed in Brunei. The Chinese, though they are the minority of these countries, yet they dominate their economy. The majority Natives, they really can't compete with them, which then had created some political problems. These indeed later gave birth to people such as Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Ferdinand Marcos, Suharto, Abdul Razak Husein (and Mahathir Mohammed). Therefore, in order to manage these pluralities, politically Malaysian leaders need to work much wiser, harder, sincere, firm and clean. Indeed this was the factor that made Singapore as it is today, and even Malaysia under Abdul Razak Husein and Mahathir, Indonesia under Suharto, and even the Philippines under Marcos. Pol Pot (Cambodia) and Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam), though they had devastated their countries, yet now, the Natives, as a result are having much room to breath. Abdul Razak Husein for instance was well accepted by all work of lives in Malaysia, not only he was wise, worked hard, with firm and sincere characters, he was also indeed clean, real clean to his death. The same goes to Mahathir Mohammed, and I do pray he is clean to his death as well. Indeed for Malaysians, the general Malaysians, psychologically they will be happy and obey wise, hard working, firm , sincere and clean leaders. Tun Tan Siew Sen, Lim Chong Yew, Lee Lam Thye, Tun Sambanthan (?) and even Tun Juggah were and are well accepted by all races in Malaysia for their wise, hard working, firm, sincere, and clean characters.
(10) For Malaysia to be great, her people just need to emulate initially the characters of the Honey Bees and Ants Societies. The societal hierarchies of these creatures are simple. At the top is the Queen, then the Armies, followed by the Workers. The Queen, do nothing except breeding. She has only the luxury of not working, yet not interfering with the affair of the daily society management. She copulates, she breed to ensure the growth and survival of her species. Then the Armies, whom main course is to protect the Kingdom ie the hive, the young population, and the Queen. The lucky among them will have the chance to copulate with the Queen, but then they die immediately after their intercourse. The Workers, they just work to collect honey. In the bees and ants societies, peace and order are always being preserved. Be they the Queen, the Armies, the Workers, what privileges do they gain? I could see nothing great, except harmony and prospering for all. On the other hand the family of tigers and or lions are totally different. A tigers and or lions family, it is about Kingship dominant. The King, controlled the family. The King also controlled the teritory, from intrusion of any other family, with a reward of enjoying the best sex lives with all the matured female in the family. Hunting and or taking care of the calves, are the duties of the matured female and or immature males. A total reverse to the bees or ants societies. In fighting between the rebel maturing males and the King used to happen, and in the negligent of the mothers, that may cause the lives of their calves not by others, but by the King himself. Danger is the main game of the tigers and or lions families. In simple sense, Allah just used the Bees or Ants as a tool to teach His Ummah on how to deal with lives in the initial stages of wealth and community development. Individually and as a group, we just need to be truly professional to our deed. Through the bees and ants, Allah indeed shown us to be professionally submit to our deed, the rewards, He knows best whom to give, how much and when. But never under estimate the power of the bees and ants, once disturbed they are willing to die for their right. Only the hungry bear love to eat the bees' hive and the Ant Eaters, dig into the ants hive. Those indeed are Allah way to remind us, Muslims especially, in this world nothing is permanent and without risk. Surely, the monkeys are not the best society development model. To me, let look around our environment, to see what exactly are displayed by Allah for to emulate where relevant.
(11) In real lives, once men, the leaders in particular, behave like the King of the Tigers and Lions society, there will never be a sustain great nation. Sadam Husein, once fought for his people right. Adi Amin of Uganda (?) was just the same. The same goes for Muamar Ghadafi. The same goes to Husni Mubarak. Shah Reza Palavi of Iran was just another one. No different to Sukarno, then Suharto and even Marcos. They were humble at the beginning, yet later they just be the King in their own eyes. They enriched themselves for self protection and domination, no more or least for the good of the people, the Ummah, thus Allah made them all death in deep humiliation. Today, what good have they left? An independent nation? A safe nation? A strong nation? We just could see, they burned their people to ash and dust!
(12) Allah is the God of the Universe. He governs the Muslims and Non-Muslims, living nad non-living. He is the most just. He had promised and He keeps to His promises. In this World, He had promised, Whoever wants the World, He gives them the World, and Whoever wants the Hereafter, He reserved the Hereafter for them, but indeed He wants, man to strive the balance of both. That the very reason, why the German, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, even the Jews prosper to their hard, shrewd, determine struggles, while the missed interpreted Islamic practicing Malays are lagging drifting with no clear destiny. Worst for the blind, deft, dumb Arabs whom have been shown the light, they remain to choose to drop into the dark pit. The Malays, the Muslims as the majority population of this Nation, we have to be smart to learn from our surrounding. Don't we have the gut to stand for Islam the true way? Just remember, even the Great King Solomon (Sulaiman AS) learned from the Owl and Ants to be great and wise. Do we just want to live a laughing stock of the Deaf, Blind and Dumb Monkeys?
Kuching, Sarawak
25 Sept., 2013
(10) For Malaysia to be great, her people just need to emulate initially the characters of the Honey Bees and Ants Societies. The societal hierarchies of these creatures are simple. At the top is the Queen, then the Armies, followed by the Workers. The Queen, do nothing except breeding. She has only the luxury of not working, yet not interfering with the affair of the daily society management. She copulates, she breed to ensure the growth and survival of her species. Then the Armies, whom main course is to protect the Kingdom ie the hive, the young population, and the Queen. The lucky among them will have the chance to copulate with the Queen, but then they die immediately after their intercourse. The Workers, they just work to collect honey. In the bees and ants societies, peace and order are always being preserved. Be they the Queen, the Armies, the Workers, what privileges do they gain? I could see nothing great, except harmony and prospering for all. On the other hand the family of tigers and or lions are totally different. A tigers and or lions family, it is about Kingship dominant. The King, controlled the family. The King also controlled the teritory, from intrusion of any other family, with a reward of enjoying the best sex lives with all the matured female in the family. Hunting and or taking care of the calves, are the duties of the matured female and or immature males. A total reverse to the bees or ants societies. In fighting between the rebel maturing males and the King used to happen, and in the negligent of the mothers, that may cause the lives of their calves not by others, but by the King himself. Danger is the main game of the tigers and or lions families. In simple sense, Allah just used the Bees or Ants as a tool to teach His Ummah on how to deal with lives in the initial stages of wealth and community development. Individually and as a group, we just need to be truly professional to our deed. Through the bees and ants, Allah indeed shown us to be professionally submit to our deed, the rewards, He knows best whom to give, how much and when. But never under estimate the power of the bees and ants, once disturbed they are willing to die for their right. Only the hungry bear love to eat the bees' hive and the Ant Eaters, dig into the ants hive. Those indeed are Allah way to remind us, Muslims especially, in this world nothing is permanent and without risk. Surely, the monkeys are not the best society development model. To me, let look around our environment, to see what exactly are displayed by Allah for to emulate where relevant.
(11) In real lives, once men, the leaders in particular, behave like the King of the Tigers and Lions society, there will never be a sustain great nation. Sadam Husein, once fought for his people right. Adi Amin of Uganda (?) was just the same. The same goes for Muamar Ghadafi. The same goes to Husni Mubarak. Shah Reza Palavi of Iran was just another one. No different to Sukarno, then Suharto and even Marcos. They were humble at the beginning, yet later they just be the King in their own eyes. They enriched themselves for self protection and domination, no more or least for the good of the people, the Ummah, thus Allah made them all death in deep humiliation. Today, what good have they left? An independent nation? A safe nation? A strong nation? We just could see, they burned their people to ash and dust!
(12) Allah is the God of the Universe. He governs the Muslims and Non-Muslims, living nad non-living. He is the most just. He had promised and He keeps to His promises. In this World, He had promised, Whoever wants the World, He gives them the World, and Whoever wants the Hereafter, He reserved the Hereafter for them, but indeed He wants, man to strive the balance of both. That the very reason, why the German, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, even the Jews prosper to their hard, shrewd, determine struggles, while the missed interpreted Islamic practicing Malays are lagging drifting with no clear destiny. Worst for the blind, deft, dumb Arabs whom have been shown the light, they remain to choose to drop into the dark pit. The Malays, the Muslims as the majority population of this Nation, we have to be smart to learn from our surrounding. Don't we have the gut to stand for Islam the true way? Just remember, even the Great King Solomon (Sulaiman AS) learned from the Owl and Ants to be great and wise. Do we just want to live a laughing stock of the Deaf, Blind and Dumb Monkeys?
Kuching, Sarawak
25 Sept., 2013
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