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Wednesday, August 21, 2013


May, 5, 2013 at the General Election (GE13), Malaysians cast the vote with the National Front (NF) managed to returned with a slim two third majority. Though in term of representation, the NF won the two third requirement, but in term of total votes count, the numbers was way below 50%. Such below 50% popular votes gain was and is the source for the on going political contentious of the NF-Opposition. MCA, Gerakan, SUPP and SDP the traditional Chinese ethnic-based parties within the NF lost most of their seats to the DAP another Chinese-based political party which was the off shoot of PAP (Singapore).  PAS and PKR managed to snap significantly the Malays support from UMNO. MIC, the Indian ethnic-based party managed to make better in road as compared to the previous GE12.  As the GE13 results were announced then officially gazetted, Malaysians initially were worried of the MIA of the Chinese representation in the NF. MCA and Gerakan in particular, due to the massive defunct of the Chinese vote had made it known to the public that they are not interested to take up any position in the NF led Cabinet. The main worry was about who to take care of the Chinese Affairs. Indeed today Malaysian Federal Cabinet is dominated by the Sarawak-Sabah based ethnic groups, a great Allah blessing for the two Island states which are in dire need of greater socio-economic development.

(2) 100 days had passed since Mohd Najib Abdul Razak took the oath as the Prime Minister. Nothing chaotic as some had predicted (feared) could had happened. Initially there were street demonstrations over some claims of "monkey election business", but as things were not too badly politicized, the matter seem to rest accordingly. Indeed Malaysians should be grateful to Allah that Penang, Kelantan, and Selangor still remain as the opposition States with the NF made slight victory in Kedah, Perak and Trengganu. If the result was as what Najib-Muhyiddin Big Bang Win had wished, the dust may had not settled to this day. As of today, things almost running as usual, except with the increase in street death of planned crimes. Those I would believe could be easily settle if everybody keep to their professionalism and work hard to eliminate the root cause of all those. To this end I could see enforcement system and economic issues are the matters that Najib has to pay serious attention.

(3) Lee Kuan Yew (LKY) in his latest book, One Man View of the World, pointed out that, while Singapore under him chose English as the medium of official communication, Malaysia made Malay as the choice. The same was adopted by Sukarno (see footnote). Accordingly he also pointed out that the ultra-Malays in Malaysia will never allowed for 1Malaysia as he initially advocated be a success. Similarly, couple with the influence of the Arabs (I believe he meant Islam), the majority Malays (be they within UMNO, PAS and or PKR) will never allowed meritocracy be the basis of the Malaysian administration and political system. The Malays are fast on the conservative pathway. Thus, from the political-mathematic-economic perspective, LKY indeed is trying to say: Y= (-ve )Malay + (-ve) Islam + (English) + (HRD) +++. Where Y stand for Economic Success. He is focusing the welfare of the State mostly from the negative effect of the dominance of the Son of the Soil, bumiputera and Islam. Based on current situation, he indeed is absolute [100] per cents "correct". Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia, Philipines and even Singapore, the good economic performance of those countries are due to the presence of the 5-10 per cents Chinese entrepreneurs in those countries. May be if there are significant numbers of Chinese in Indo-Pakistan, Arabs, Central Asia, Africa, and the Pacific, the wealth of those Nations would be very much different. LKY seem to throw such notion to the World, and the Chinese are moving fast in such direction. The bumiputera or pribumi LKY sees as mere economic passengers. Worst, there is no Muslim State that could prove, being Muslim they are better than any non-Muslim States. None to this point. I absolutely agree. So as to show my greatest gratitude to LKY, now I would challenge Najib, SBY, and Hasanal Bolkiah and the whole Malays and Muslims of Nusantara to take LKY view not as critic but as a challenge that all must take it hard serious!

(4) Indeed I excused LKY for his poor understanding of the Malays culture and civilization, what more of Islam. He is a Chinese, a non-Muslim. He has no urgent business to understand those matters. He has no business to manage the Malays and Islamic affairs. Leave him to manage Singapore, as he wish, a fair deal for him. Such, what ever he said or see about the Malays and Islam, he knew nothing in depth. He is and will be forever an indifferent and or ignorant by default of his agenda. The Al Quran had made things clear to the Muslims, when come to fruitless debate: "What is yours is yours. What is mine is mine. Wait till the time come". LKY is not my concern indeed. He should not at all be the larger Nusantara Malays-Muslims concern.

(5) In my earlier article, I did pointed out that Allah had blessed (Rahim) the Malays with too much. The result of the GE13 is another great blessing of Allah to the Malays. Since 1957, the Malays had shared the administration of the Country with all their fellow countrymen especially the Chinese and Indians. From the beginning, the Malays had given too much of the Malays rights for all to share. Indeed, culturally the Malays had assimilated the Arabs (as Syed-Awang-Sharifah-Dayang), the Indians (as Mamak-Mummy), the Chinese (Baba-Nyonya), Portugese, Pakistani, Anglos (Mat-Minah Salleh), all sort into their system, to the extend some of these Malays-hybrid lost their respect to the Malays as their half-gene stock. These never happened in Australia, America, Canada, Israel, etc except in Singapore where the Malays gave up everything especially to LKY. In South Africa, Nelson Mandela aged in prison to get what are rightful for his people, the majority. Most in Malaysia had prospered to better benefiting from the Malays generosity.

(6) Definitely, there are those socio-economic issues that today Malaysians are facing. The matters are not of Chinese and or Indians population centric. The issues had cropped into all walk of lives of the Malaysians especially among the Lower and Lower Middle Class citizens.  The Malays are not spared. Indeed in many articles I have pointed that when Mahathir pushed hard for a Developed Malaysia in his 22 years in power, crushing the Malays peasant life-style to modern urbanized system, he indeed had been moving too fast. The Malays were indeed not able to take a break for a fresh breath. Even his Cabinet members couldn't stand his hard pushing style. All because he is too eager to catch up with the rest of the world meta-physically success, ignoring the Human Side of the Affairs. To Mahathir, the sickness of the Malays must be operated in the essence of time. He just want to see, the Malays being a great respectful race just as others in the world stage at his time.

(7) Indeed during his era, Mahathir had failed to realized the uprising of PAS was not due to the misconception of Islam, it was and is a tipping signal of the Malays unreadiness for moving too fast. I believe Abdullah Ahmad Badawi knew it, but he was too "coward" to speak. That the bery reason why he intoduced the Islam Hadhari. But when he got the authority to do much, yet he was too slow and overwhelm by the young materialistic ambition tugs surrounding him. Ahmad Boestaman, Musa Hitam and Rezaleigh Hamzah did spoke up, but they spoke from their "lips" not from their true analytical minds and hearts. The Malays in general don't quite get of their struggle. Such, Mahathir was without check an balance.

(8) What would then Najib-Muhyiddin best option(s). Again Allah is great. First Najib should be able to prove, the Malays can lead the Nation well. He can give the Chinese the break that they need for not to have hands in the administering of the Governmernt or Nation. Within at least 2013-2018, Najib-Muhyiddin must work hard to bring back the Martabat Melayu as the most able and just administrator and governors of the Nation. I strongly believe, indeed Allah is giving the Malays and Muslims of this Nation, the biggest chance to prove themselves as the best. In the past, the Indian (SriVijaya and Majapahit), the old Malacca State, the Arabs (Muslim Sultanates), the British, the and the Japanese had all trusted the Malays as able fair administrators, then why not such statue be placed back into our hands. My such notion is very simple. When Islam first spread to Arabia, they were non-Muslims among the subjects of Muhammad SAW and his Sahabah besar; were they being represented in the Muhammad SAW and Sahabah besar governing system? I read, they were not. But, they were treated fairly as the subjects that have to be protected for being good. Even the Jews, prosper greatly at times of their friendly attitude toward the early Islam. Such was the case of Baitul Muqaddis Jews in times of Islamic administration. There was indeed a case in Omar Al Khataab time that the non-Muslim tax contribution was returned when the Muslims administration were not able to honor the Government duties onto them especially against the treat of the fierce Persian.

(9)Secondly Mahathir, Musa Hitam, Rezaleigh Hamzah, even Anwar Ibrahim, veteran leaders among them such as Taib Mahmud, Haris Salleh, Sanusi Junid, Isa Samad, Muhammad Taib, etc and almost all those veteran Malays-Muslims intellectual and scholars and experts are still around. I'm indeed sadden to note, some are serving other nations, as if their past contribution means nothing to this Country. Most are still brain-emotional wise are strong. Get together. Think and work hard to make this Nation and State for everyone to strive to their best. Abdul Razak Husein, in his time, I read, that was how he managed to make the whole Nation to work for the State. That was also how he managed to breed great leaders and experts to manage the Country. Najib, he is blessed by Allah for being as ke mana tumpahnya kuah, jika tidak ke nasi. He is also blessed to carry that Nusantara Malays' blood in his body. He must not waste his time to personal matters, in the course to serve Allah the best. InsyaAllah.

(10) Thirdly Najib have to rebuilt back the strenght, expertise and professional culture of the Civil Service. Too much brain drain to the GLCs and private sector during Mahathir's time had made the Civil Service with lots of talent vacuum. I'm not at all impress with Idris Jala GTP as I could see he is just copycating the Esso Corporate Culture without serious understanding of the socio-antropological-spiritual culture of the subjects. The present GTP lack the Malaysian Needed Soft Human Touch. The roles and strength of EPU (SEPU), ICU, MAMPU, INTAN, etc which had been badly side lined must be revisited and enhanced to the best professionalism. This Nation can't be managed purely from the Corporate stand, a proper blending of corporate-public structure must be sort out quickly. Things must work on a very Organic Approach. Accordingly, all our Islamic institutions (including the need for advance teaching of Islam to our Muslim students) must be given fresh out look. We should no more be practicing Islam to the level, making Islam as jumud, a hopeless deed over time, while it is absolutely not. The bad image of Islam,  is not at all about Islam, it is about the jumud way people managing the affair of Islam. Najib needs the public service, people sociological and corporate experts as Think Thank and or Task Force to turn around the Civil Service to be people and business oriented serving system. I can't see with Idris Jala and Wahid Omar, he can do all. He need all the past and present experts to sit down and work hard for the better course of the Nation. Abdul Razak Husein foot steps in making the ICU and District Offices better during his time might be of good hint to Najib.

 (11) Fourthly I see Kedah and Kelantan must be immediately help out. These are the States that could influence the reversal of Klang Valley Influx. The developement of these two states will impart to Perlis, Perak, Pahang and Trengganu (States that still have significants numbers of poor Malys households) as well as helping to enrich our neighbor. The over heated socio-political-religous issues we are now facing is due to our skewed Klang Valley Development biased. The nation is currently facing acute sickness in housing, transportation and food quality and cost. Kedah and Kelantan can help a lots. I predicted, they have better access to the Thailand ambition of being Regional or World Food Hub. Rhiau is another good source and impact of the develoopment of Kedah-Kelantan. I believe, if Najib could solve the problem of the poor Malays states, he will solve the problem of the Nation. Making the Malays better will definitely spill over to the rest of the Nation. He should focus to resolve the Malays problem. How? Get those Islamic scholars to study how did Omar Abdul Aziz, the great Khalifah of Ummaiyah did it at his time. There must be some clues that we could track.

(12) There is no need for Najib, as UMNO liason person of Selangor to feel so bad of Khalid Ibrahim. If Najib wants the others to respect his win, then he himself must proof that he also respect that the others had won. I could see Khalid Ibrahim is doing some experimentation of the Possible Economic Development Model for the Selangor Malays. I believe, he and Muhammad Mohd Taib, the Mike Tyson will have some brilliant ideas especially through their PKNS and Perbadanan Pertanian Selangor for the nation to look at later. Just give them chance as long as they have great respect to Islam. Definitely we will be able to derive some iktibar thereon. Najib, even your kids not all will listen or behave as you wish. That is the Law of Nature that Allah had put in placed, and we must admit and live with it. I hope one day I could write some nice piece on Kedah, Kelantan, Selangor and Johor Developement Models. InsyaAllah.

(12) Last but not least, Najib must realized, Allah had given him the chance to be the leader of this Nation. As I had said, Allah had blessed Islam as His choice for the Malays. Without Islam, the Malays will still remained a colony of either Buddha, Hindu and or West. Islam had made the Malays to stand as the Malays and Najib, you, all the Malays-Muslim and me, it is our duty at our individual and collective capacity to further strengthen the Malays for Allah. Nothing personal or these worldly gain should deceive us from such course. Allah is giving us the best chance. We must never fail Him. InsyaAllah.

Kuching, Sarawak
22 August, 2013

LKY believe Sukarno took Malay as the National Unifying Language for Indonesia as paramount to the nation stability. It was and is indeed one of the reason. But Malay was chosen not because Javanese was not broadly spoken, even Malay is not the tongue of the far eastern Islanders or even the Kalimantans. LKY probably had forgotten, the dual hero of Indonesia was Sukarno-Hatta. Without Hatta, Sukarno will never made it to the Presidency position, like-wise with Hatta. The President (governing body) was a Javanese. The Vice President was a Malay (the governing spirit). It is a Javanese tradition, in any thing there must be a harmonious body-spirit, jasad-roh strong relationship. Indeed, it was always Sukarno style to honor his people. He honored Hatta by making Malay as the National language. Accordingly, LKY should also must remember Sukarno big ambition of Indonesia Raya. He indeed planned to have all the Malays' States stretching from Rhiau to Papua to be Indonesia Raya. He knew, the Pattani, the Sulu, the Cham and sure the Malayan, Brunei, Kalimantan (including Sabah-Sarawak), and Rhiau do speak Malays in one way or another. If Sukarno was wrong, his biggest mistake was by proposing the name of Indonesia Raya instead of Nusantara Raya. Definitely, Indonesia Raya was Sukarno way of camouflaging his bigger agenda. The idea of ASEAN by Adam Malik was indeed, I believe, a follow-up to the Sukarno's dream.


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