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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

3/8/13 A 2013 Laila Tul Qadar.

To most Muslim, the Laila Tul Qadar is the long of the last 10 nights of Ramadhan prays to Allah for their needs and wishes. Such had always being advised and interpreted from the saying of the Al Quran, Sunnah and Hadiths, which to me as long as I have ever live in this world. I believe, such practice had prevailed for probably 600 years or so. But, today my simple understanding of Lailatul Qadar is for Muslims to really read the Al Quran and seek wisdom from thereon. It is a period for one to intensify and sacrifice one's time and effort to read and appreciate the Al Quran. Ramadhan indeed is the month when the Ayat of the Al Quran started to be revealed to Muhammad SAW for his redistribution to mankind. Since Al Quran is the full text of guidance to mankind, thus Ramadhan and Laila Tul Qadar is a meant of Allah to make every Muslim to be as close as possible to Islam ie to appreciate the Al Quran. It is the Birth Date of the Al Quran that every Muslim must observed to the best.

(2) The thorough study and analysis of the Al Quran indeed would gives wisdom of one's destiny and strength for one to face one's challenges ahead. Allah always has His ways on how to keep His people to be on course. Ramadhan and Laila Tul Qadar is His Master Piece Strategy to makes Muslims to be reminded. Remember, His saying: The more the person is close to Me, the more knowledge (wisdom) I'll impart onto him which to me, the more one studies the Al Quran with reference of the Sunnah and Hadiths, the more light will Allah grands onto one. Definitely, the opposite, the more one's depart from Allah, the closer for one's to evil will always be true as well. Thus, the Malays in particular, should now change their persepective of reading the Al Quran, to not merely reading the Arabic text, but to really understand and really appreciate the meaning and course of such texts. The Malays must learn from the weaknesses of the Arabs, they read the Al Quran but they ignored the practices of it despite they understand the true meaning of those, thus, today, we see what are and to be happening to them. One must read the Al Quran, one must study its details, then one must practice its teaching to the best success. In short, one must prove to be a true success Muslim, gaining both the blessing of now and hereafter.

(3) Indeed during this Ramadhan and couples of months back, I had been trying to figure out the meaning of three Arabic letter which Allah used as the Opening of certain chapter of the Al Quran ie Aliff Lam Min (Al Baqarah; Ali Imran),  Aliff Lam Sadh (Al A'raf) and Aliff Lam Ra (Hud).  My basis of analysis is by meant of trend observation of the contents of all the related Surah to find the common denomination that thereon some deductions could then be made. I tried to apply the normal scientific due process in trying to appreciate the Code of those Opening Letters. Well one may try to remind me, even when the Sahabahs did asked Muhammad SAW on the meaning of these Opening Letters and as Muhammad SAW had always said Only He knows the real meaning of them. Those Opening Letters to be mystery. But to my wondering and wandering mind, Allah and even Muhammad SAW never prohibit one to study and uncover Allah's mysteries so long such would makes one's Aqidah stronger. Till the 28th days of Ramadhan I just managed to read and trying hard to figure out the general trend of such Opening in those 11 Surah. Due to my negligent skill in Arabics, to my initial observation, the second Surah after such opening is always His emphasis of this is the Book, ie Kalam. The rest are all about histories, process, and norms that He wants humankind to take serious note and observed. And also interesting, to all other chapter(s) which follow next, the first Ayat normally is a called to the believers ie Ya Aiayuhalazi. As I have read somewhere, indeed Kalam and Pen were Allah first creation before anything else, which meant He had written everything ie wrt the process, forms, fate, as well as the end of everything. This could easily be deduced indeed from Musa AS questioning to Adam AS on the hard fate that Musa AS had to face due to the stupidity and stubborness of his people the Jews, whereby Adam AS replied was very stunning to Musa AS ie How could I denied the fate that He had written on me (on him and Eve eating of the Khaldum fruit), while you as you knew was the first among us whom Allah spoke directly.

(4) Therefore my strongest believe about these Opening Letters is about knowledge. One must take the Al Quran as the Kalam of Knowledge and every life must be guided by it. Upon such, then one will be called as the belivers.The total believers definitely the one whom take the Kalam as in total. Every humandkind must walk to such quality.

(5) To this end my interpretation of Aliff Lam Min, Aliff Lam Sadh and Aliff Lam Ra has something to do with Ilmu (Aliff Lam Min) ie the Ilmu of Alam (Min), Ilmu of Sajarah (Sadh) and Ilmu of Roh (Ra). If one master the Ilmu of Alam the early version of Natural Science one will come to very close understanding on the existence and the power of Allah. Let have a flash back onto all those great past Islamic thinkers, whom among them were great without the knowledge of Ilmu Alam or Natural Science? Allah emphasized the need to understand this universe in the many texts of the Al Quran. Next, if one understand the Ilmu of Sajarah as Allah had revealed in the Al Quran either implicit or explicitly, then one definitely will understand the Key Success and the Failure Factors of one or certain community and nation in the past. Indeed Al Quran is applying the knowledge of Sajarah as the teaching approach for humankind to easily understand His words. From the Sajarah indeed one is being constantly remided of one's responsibilities and the repercusion upon one's defiant toward Allah, one's creator. This is s, as one must remember that one is the "mirror of Allah" by meant of the content of His roh as one's soul, and thus one must honor one's indeptness of His roh to the best. Without the roh, one is without the soul, and one is as useless as noting. Thus, this is where I would presume why Allah keeps reminding human being that all should submit only and only to Him.

(6) I pray that my small discovery of Allah purpose for making such Openings as indefinitive, ie sort of open ended, would one way is close to their true meaning and or purposes. If such is correct, then, our Educational System especially one that cater for the Muslims must emphasis on three elements of Ilmu ie about Alam (Geography and or Natural Science), Sajarah (History) and Roh (Soul). If the Muslims are strong on these, I would believe every Muslim would definitely be a very different person from who they are of today. I would also believe, the Malays definitely will be able to significantly contribute to the development of the Far East Islamic Civilization for humankind to look at. Nonetheless, in the Malaysian context especially the Malays, I'm very sadden to see that the Ministry of Education stop educating our young Muslims from the teaching of the True and Total Sense of Islam. Especially those in the Technical and Professional fields, they were devoid of the teaching of the Advance Islamic Thought. Today teaching of "Islam" is to pass the exam not to make one to further explore and forever strengthening one's Aqidah. We did what being said as: melepas batuk dit tangga. Advance teaching of Islam seem to be an elite to few. With such, how could the majority of the Muslims be a great Muslims if only "Islam" being known to the least of which their totality of the understanding of Islam, I would also be questioning. My Model Muslim person to this end is at least Zakir Naik not only is a professional (medical doctor), but an Islamic Professional. Thus today we are experiencing a hollow professional just as Allah had left the statue of Adam souless empty which made the satan able to prejudge and devulge into what humankind would be in the future, ie lots will turn to ignorance, while only some will turn to true humankind. Indeed if we really understand the nature (Ilmu Alam) or the Natural Science and process (Ilmu Sajarah) of Adam AS creation, then probably we would understand the real implication of roh or Ilmu Roh that He had implanted into Adam AS. May Allah guides me at least if not the whole Ummah, to His truth and my really need is about His Taufik and Hidayah to make me (us) stand strong to my (our) course for Him and His Ummah.

(7) Indeed last on 4th August, for breakfast I organized a Tahlil for my long passed away parents, uncles, aunties and all my grandparents. This year, I didn't call all my Kampung mates for the function, but to limit to only my close relatives and those about 20 kids that I financed to learn to read the Al Quran and praying at a special Musola that I built for them. I was indeed in tears to see how khusyuk dedicated were these kids age around 5-12 years old in their pray. They realley made my home thunder with Amin after the Surah Al Fathihah being recited. Earlier, prior the breakfast I meet them to see that they were served to the best. My heart was touched when as a group, they said the breakfast pray aloud to the peak of their voice that made the senior turned shock. The terms Alam, Sajarah, and Roh from Aliff Lam Min, Aliff Lam Sadh, and Aliff  Lam Ra came to my mind about early this year and now I believe those were among the meaning and purposes that Allah might had wanted us to explore. Prior to to that, I just take those as being said: Only Allah know best which to my crying soul, it added no value to my characters and submission. Indeed understanding these kids alam, environments, and or psychology ie with all the deficiency, as well as their parents sajarah history ie having no great opportunity to learn to read the Al Quran and Pray, which made their body without the soul I took the stand to sacrifice to bring soul to these kids hoping one day into the future, among them, InsyaAllah they would breed the true believers and fighters in the course of Islam and the Ummah. Now, they learn to read the Al Quran at Assar period daily and stay on to play around a small park that I also built for them to maghrib to pray together with their teacher. In fact I just want to build the alam, sajarah and roh for them to grow into a greater better Muslims as I have no much chances in the past. I do hope, my small effort would inspire them or anybody to do greater and or better now or in the future.

(8) Today, and for at least a week, after my Eidil Fitri pray in the Kampung to be with my Kampung mates, I flew off to take a journey to see the alam, and understood the greater sajarah in search of my roh for the next course of my destiny. The Surau was packed with the Jemaah, though during the long months Tarawih, hardly 20 people would turned up. Again I wonder, Alam, Sejarah, and Roh were not well incarcated among them, despite most had gone to better school than I did the past 47 years. My question is, where is JAIS and or JAKIM in the sense of building the Muslims cohesiveness and true faith? To me, once again, I would say, JAIS and JAKIM must relook into their dakwah approach and nor merely reactive in nature. All the so called Islamic scholars in these organization must be built to be the true Islamic scholar, not merely the spiritual teachers and or preachers. I do hope, in this journey, I will discover a greater strenght and my most wish is to meet my long lost friend in the North and later move to the East to see the hand marks of Abdul Razak Husien. I hope to dwell in those Feldas that I had visited about 30 years past.

(7) To all Muslims, may today Eidil Fitri bring much Taufik and Hidayah to all of us, and may Allah gives all the needed strengths for us to serve Him to the best. InsyaAllah. Maaf Dzahir dan Batin.

Somewhere on Earth
8 August, 2013


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