1/6/13 walking to your happiness...asalkan kau bahagia!
as I fly high, you took me downI succumbed hard to the ground
your joy shinned as I crumble to broken wings
you laughed high celebrating in great happiness
it was hard hurting on me deep to my soul
but didn't you see, I never cry
saat aku di angkasa lepas, kau bedik kutersungkur terkapai
sayapku patah badanku hancur
lalu engkau tertawa penuh keriangan
perit sekali namun roh tetap kukendong
dan aku bertahan diam

tetap kujalani biar payah
kerna kutahu engkau cukup senang aku terus sebegitu
namun aku bukan badut di arena sarkas untuk terus ditertawakan
aku sekadar sabar menahan derita biar tanpa pengakhiran
membahagiakan engkau sepuasnya
saban waktu
di mana jua
kerna kupasti, setiap satunya akan berakhir juga
sepertinya saat malam menjelma
kita akan sama-sama baring ketiduran
tawamu sepi, deritaku mati
apapun, sebegitulah segalanya, tetap berakhir
now I'm walking with limping steps
I'll continue to tumble with the distance
I know you enjoy seeing me that way
but I'm not a clown in a circus show
I just want to enjoy the pain with possible no end
walking to your happiness as long as I have to stay
as deep in my heart, I know, everything will end somewhere
just as the night fall
both you and me will fall asleep
your laughter gone, my pain die
it will be always surely that way
terasi, pendam
4 june, 2013
What is it all about? Another person or persons whom you can never cross by?