7/12/09 WELCOME TOMORROW......the great Fridays.
Especially the Muslim should remember this year December well. This is once probably in our life time, that lots of good days/things happening on Friday. 18/12 was the awal Muharram, a Muslim New Year, it start on Friday. This day, 1431 years ago, was the day when Muhammad had to leave his birth and childhood place, a place where sort of Allah had blessed to be his center of "ligthing for mankind", but he has to retreat (in life treatening manner) to search for greater strenght to win back later.
(2) Then, 25/12 is the Christmas Day, again sort of a 'New Year' for the Christian, a great religion, a brotherhood religion to Islam, though the West has made the two a silent (now in fact more open) enenmy! Jesus is a prophet in Islam, and Islam recognised Jesus the way we recognised him as taught in the Quran. The two relgions of Allah, celebrate the same New Year on the similar day, Friday! Something that we must really remember and most impottant to catch the 'meaning' of this 'incidence'!
(3) Come 1/1/10, just mere a second after the 31/12/09, is the Global Universal New Year. Both closing of the 2009 and the opening of the 2010 which again falls on Friday. What a real great Friday!
(4) Is it by defautl or co-incidence that Hijrah 1430 end, and Hijrah 1431 start, Christ birth day and the year 2009 end and year 2010 start on Friday, probably if Cleopatra and Julius Ceaser still alive to this date, probably they would have the greatest smile on seeing their Calender Invention makes such a memorable 'incidence' at this what the Islam had laid: the greatest day of the day is Friday!
(5) I hope, I pray, and let work, to move into the future and left what is leaving with great confidence based on the fact that Friday which has Allah greatest blessing is the begining and ending of our last year and future year struggles.
(6) To all, wishing everybody greater tomorrow.......forever!
Kuching, Sarawak
23 December., 2009
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