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Friday, November 6, 2009


Early this year, I have forecasted that the Malaysian Economy would recover by 2010. And the latest, in the 2009 Budget Speech, the Prime Minister seem to be very confident of this recovery by 2010, with sign of better growth in the Q4/2009. The Governor of Bank Negara did re-enforced the PM statement immediately thereon. As a Malaysian, what it means is very important to our daily lives. Employment, money liquidity, and business opportunities would again expand, and everyone should be able to make a living accordingly.

(2) I write this article, because few days ago I really felt hurt to know, one fellow who earn merely RM600.00/month, whom probably is a breadwinner of a family, punched another guy whom acted accordingly to the required working procedure, but was not accepted to the punching fellow, which then triggered some disciplinary action be taken to the punching guy. The morale of the incidence is not wrt who is wrong or who is right, but the person whom disciplinary action was taken felt gone ‘his periuk nasi’, and at this hard economic situation, this fellow tummy’s seem to control the head. Though this is an isolated case, but thing could be worst if we don’t start to see the effect of bad State and or National Economic and Financial Management.

(3) Dr Mahathir Mohammed (DMM) during his 22 years tenureship as the Prime Minister, especially during the last 10 years period had been working hard to change the Global Currency Denomination from U$D to a basket of a mixed currencies (Yen, Pound, Euro, U$D, Deutchmark,etc) to ovoid over dependence on the U$D valuation of which was very much speculative in nature. He had also tried to push the idea of using the Dinar Dollar among the Islamic State> He had also persuaded the ASEAN to trade using their individual currency when trading among themselves. His initiatives failed due to the indifference and splitting attitude of the Arab nations while the West, due to the Sept., 11, 2001 NYWTC collapsed, saw the effort as a double jeopardy toward the Western dignity. The so called poor level of the Malaysian Human Right Images due to the various issues inflicted by the demotion of Datuk Sri Anwar Ibrahim as the Deputy Prime Minister in 1998, had been greatly capitalised by those who opposed such initiative by Malaysia. Instead of focusing on the potent Global Monetary issue, which became a serious reality in 2007-09, the whole Globe seem to focus their attention to terrorism, while domestically, we were confronted by Demokrasi Jalanan! Both Osama and the West (probably their conspiracy), had able to make the today World much poorer than the last three years. A great satanic success!

(4) I’m happy to see that lately, Malaysia had taken a bold step to move and promote the usage of Islamic Banking System as an alternative to the conventional old Western banking system. I hope, the effort would not die off as both the Global and domestic economy began to recover as forecasted in 2010. Malaysia must not behave ‘hangat-hangat tahi ayam’ in the matter, and we must relentlessly pursue the matter to the end, doesn’t matter how long and how much sacrifices we need to take. Let think and believe that Allah must have a clear and farsighted purpose for the reason why He created gold with various typical specialties as compare to all the other natural metals. Gold is available not too abundant yet not too scarce as well. It almost presence in every countries in it ‘controlled’ quantity, of such makes it having a much definitive value as compare to the U$D which probably could be just printed even on ‘kertas bungkusan belacan’.

(5) Our leaders and the people of Malaysia must spearhead the change of the present Capitalist Financial and Economic Management System to a much fair and just approach. Islam had made it clear that in trading, in whatever form, everything must be traded at fair, just and actual value. The early Egyptian Civilization especially during the Administration of Cleopatra had used gold as the trading unit. And this had been then practiced widely among the early Arab and Persian traders. Thereon, the Dinar came into play as the trade medium among these nations.

(6) We must work hard to make our Economic and Financial System to be not and very least speculative in nature. Islam, prohibit gaming (gambling), and speculative is a sort of gaming, which only benefit the least while inflicting great harm to the majority. A ‘Rumah Mesra Rakyat’ which cost RM49,000.00 a year ago, would now easily sell at RM80,000.00 in view of the high probability of the better economy outlook in the 2010. People rush to buy these houses not only because of potential pricing betterment but the potential of other Free Market Interplays. All these must be put on check!

(7) I do hope, all our planners (especially civil services) should work hard to ensure the cost to provide and sustain all our basic needs: home, food, clothing, health, education, transportation, and communication are seriously check. In this regard, it is the role of all the GLCs to be much cost-efficient and be bold in providing better services at an affordable price to our rakyat. Hopefully, which such intervention, our pure private sector capitalist greed could be on checked, or else, we would be seeing lots of Demokrasi Jalanan which one day would turn into Demokrasi Menjahanamkan: where we do nothing beneficial but shouting at each others, at least if it is among the monkeys, the predators would be scared off! But if such happen among us, our country would be on fire. Auzubillah!

(8) As for all of us, good to take kerepek pisang rather potatoes fringeless as we drive or watch the TV. At least our money cycle is kept with our own controlled system. That would be the least that we could do to help manage our economy into our own hand.

MyBazaaRia, Desa Ilmu, Kota Samarahan
7 Nov., 2009


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